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983 x 2543 px | 8,3 x 21,5 cm | 3,3 x 8,5 inches | 300dpi
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. A preliminary catalogue of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop museum of Polynesian ethnology and natural history ... Ethnology; Natural history. 9 3332 Necklace. 3333-41 Fans. 3342 Fan. 3343-45 Fans. 3346 Basket. 3347 " 3348 »» 3349 " 3350-53 *• 3354 Sling. 3355 Tol. 3356-59 Dress. 3360 Belt. 3361 Suspenders. 3362 Belt. 3363-70 Dress. 3371 " 3372-74 *» 3375 Sword. 3376 Club. 3377-78 Hairpin. 3379-81 *' 3382-85 " 3386-87 Fillets. 3388-90 »* 3391 Necklace. 3392 " 3393-94 Fillets. 3395-3402 Belt. 3403 ** 3404 Necklace. 3405-06 *« 3407 «? 3408 Band. 3409 Bracelets. 3410 Belt. 3411 Necklace. 3412-16 Bands. 3417-18 Necklace. 3419-21 Collar. 3422-24 Necklace. 3425-31 Ear ornaments. 3432-35 Shell money. 3436 Necklace. 3437-38 Weapons. 3439-41 Shells. 3442-43 Balls. 3444-47 Fish nets. 3448-50 Nose flutes. 3451 Ochre. 3452 •Dance paddle. 3453-59 Fish-hooks 3460 «( <t 3461 Shark hook. 3462 «i - «< 3463-70 Fish-hooks. 3471 Stretcher. 3472-75 Arm rings. III. 53 52 53 48 48 52 48 52 53 48 48 48 49 52 49 49 52 53 56 54 49 52 49 54 49 54 56 49 49 54 49 54 54 56 49 49 56 49 50 54 54 50 54 54 50 54 50 50 50 50 50 52 50 54 18 54 56 50 ! 3476 ! 3477-79 | 3480 ! 3481 I 3482 ! 3483 I 3484-85 ! 34S6 1 3487-88 i 3489-90 ! 3491 : 3492-93 ; 3494-95 3496-3502 3503-08 3509-10 3511-12 3513-15 3516-30 3531-35 3536-38 3539-40 3541-42 3543 3544-46 • 3547 3548 3549-55 3556 3557-59 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566-67 3570-72 3573 3574-83 3584 3585 3586-87 3588 3589 3590-94 3595 3596-99 S600-42 3643^9 3650-51 3652-76 3677-88 3689-91 3692-3700 3701-20 3721-22 3723-37 Crown. Teeth. Canoe model. Compass. Comb. Cincture. Poncho. Lopalop. Dress. Lopalop. Poncho. Mat. Mats. House. Hats. Armor. Skull cap. Jacket. Trousers. Jacket. Belt. Bowl. Belt. Dancing stick's Canoe models. Mat. Fan. Fish-hook. Ring Satchel. Stone adz. Baskets. le sina. Siapo. Spears. Club. House. Ihe pahee. Ulumaika. Oo ulei. Kuamoo. Wedge. Moa stick. Makau ea. <t it * Makau palaoa. Makau ea.
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