. Un libro di testo di morfologia invertebrato [microformati]. Invertebrati; morfologia (animali); Invertébrés; Morphologie (Animaux). 84 morfologia invertebrato. 2. Ordine Narcomedusae. In Hydrarise il polipo forma avviene senza una medusa, nell'ordine Narcomedusce la retromarcia è il caso, poiché in essa la forma di medusa è l'unico presente in uno stato tipico di sviluppo. Il medusae sono di solito piuttosto lente- strutture sagomate (Fig. 42), con un margine lobato, il velum (v), invece di essere orizzontale, essendo pendenti dall'mar-. (Dopo Bpooks). V = velum. Fig. 42.-Ounoctantha octonaria Haeck. T
2268 x 1102 px | 38,4 x 18,7 cm | 15,1 x 7,3 inches | 150dpi
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. A textbook of invertebrate morphology [microform]. Invertebrates; Morphology (Animals); Invertébrés; Morphologie (Animaux). 84 INVERTEBRATE MORPHOLOGY. 2. Order Narcomedusae. In the Hydrarise the polyp form occurs without a medusa, in the order Narcomedusce the reverse is the case, since in it the medusa form is the only one present in a typical state of development. The medusae are usually somewhat lens- shaped structures (Fig. 42), with a lobed margin, the velum (v), instead of being horizontal, being pendent from the mar-. (After Bpooks). V = velum. Fig. 42.—Ounoctantha octonaria Haeck. TO = margin of bell. ot = otocyst. gin (m) and extending up in the intervals between the lobes. At the apex of each one of these intervals is situated a short, stiff, solid tentacle v/hich is usually bent backward over the exumbrellar surface and is tipped by a knob of nematocysts. The cavity of the short manubrium leads into a gastric chamber which is prolonged out towards the margin into broad pouches which lie opposite the tentacles and the intervals be- tween the lobes, and around the margin, following the edge of the lobes and therefore having a festooned arraugement, runs n narrow circular canal which communicates with each radial pouch at the apex of each interlobular interval. This struc- ture is, however, absent in the American species Ouiioduntha ocfonano, . The reproductive organs develop in the auburn- brellar ectoderm covering the pouches and sometimes extend on to the manubrium. Around the margin of the lobes are seated club-shaj)ed projecting otocysts (ot) composed of au external layer of ectoderm surrounding a number of endo- dermal cells, one or more of which contain a crystal of carbonate of lime. The ectoderm cells in the neighborhood are largely sensory and provided with long cilia, their inner ends contributing to the formation of the marginal nerve- ring.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally e