Un manuale di chirurgia operativa . non sembra essere ben fondato, e l'accorciamento islargamente una questione di dopo-trattamento-mento. Divisione del collo femorale applicabile ai casi in cui è rimasta inalterata, ad esempio l'inanchilosi dopo la febbre reumatica.In molti casi di anchilosismo dovuto a malattia tubercolare, non vi è praticamente alcun collo all'osso,o vi è una massa immensa di tessuto ispessito nella posizione della vecchia capsula, oppure la testa del femore è stata spostata sul dorsum. L'uso del X-rayswill sempre dire alla surgeonse il collo ancora esiste, è adatto per la divisione.
988 x 2528 px | 8,4 x 21,4 cm | 3,3 x 8,4 inches | 300dpi
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A manual of operative surgery . does not appear tobe well founded, and shortening islargely a question of after-treat-ment. Division of the femoral neck ismost applicable to cases in whichit has remained unaltered, e.g. inankylosis after rheumatic fever.In many instances of ankylosisdue to tubercular disease, thereis practically no neck to the bone, or there is an immense mass ofthickened tissue in the position ofthe old capsule, or the head of thefemur has been displaced upon thedorsum. The use of the X-rayswill always tell the surgeonwhether the neck still exists, andis suitable for division. It shouldbe noted that if the ankylosishas been due to tubercle there isstrong reason for avoiding thesupratrochanteric operation, as itwill involve opening up diseasedareas of capsule and bone, andprobably lighting up the troubleagain. After division of the neck con-siderable deformity may stillpersist, owing to extreme contraction of the psoas and iliacus muscles. Cuneiform osteotomy is occasionally performed in this region;. FIG. 433.—RESULT OF OSTEOTOMY OFFEMORAL NECK FOR PATHOLOGICALDISLOCATION (SEE FIG. 432). Extension is now normal, and there appearsto be no shortening, but a slight degreeis concealed by tilting of the pelvis. 692 OPERATIONS ON BONES AND JOINTS [part vii and for the relief of coxa vara, or sinking and shortening of the femoralneck, elaborate methods have been devised by Mr. Keetley and others—including the separation of the great trochanter and wiring or peggingthe femoral neck in a more vertical position. Cases differ so muchthat the details must be left to the surgeon, but it may be noted thatin moderate degrees of coxa vara it is best not to operate, and thatin the more severe cases the results have not as a rule been very good.(Consult paper by Mr. Keetley in the New. Syd. Soc Atlas ofPathology, under Coxa Vara.) Osteotomy for Genu Valgum and for Faulty Ankylosis of the Knee-Joint genu valgum Anatomical Points.—In the severer forms of genu val