Una descrizione pittorica degli Stati Uniti; abbracciando la storia, la posizione geografica, le risorse agricole e minerali .. . neighborhood, aggiungendo varietà a forme e stili differenti di architettura. Il Massachusetts General Hospital, con i suoi due reparti, il suo ricovero per i malati e il suo asilo per gli ammalati, è uno dei più grandi e più impor-tant delle istituzioni caritative del thepate. Fu incorporata nel 1811. Itvias progettato per dare sollievo agli invalidi, per raggiungere le necessità di ogni classe qfpersons, e per ottenere i suoi benefici a più bassa velocità possibile. L'atto
1240 x 2015 px | 21 x 34,1 cm | 8,3 x 13,4 inches | 150dpi
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A pictorial description of the United States; embracing the history, geographical position, agricultural and mineral resources .. . neighborhood, adding variety by theirdifferent forms and styles of architecture. The Massachusetts General Hospital, with its two departments—its hospitalfor the sick and its asylum for the insane—is one of the largest and most impor-tant of the charitable institutions of thestate. It was incorporated in 1811. Itvias designed to afford relief to invalids, to reach the necessities of every class qfpersons, and to yield its benefits at thelowest possible rate. The act of incor-poration granted to the hospital a feesimple in the old Province-house estate, on the condition that one hundred thou-sand dollars was raised within ten years.Special donations for this object, amount-ing to over one hundred and forty thou-sand dollars, were made in 1816, and theestates were purchased where the twodepartments of the institution have beenlocated. Its endowments now amount toabout one million of dollars. The hospi-tal for the sicK, erected in a spacious en-closure of four acres in Allen street, is. 86 DESCRIPTION OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. one of the most imposing edifices in Bos-ton. The asylum for the insane is beau-tifully situated on a rising ground withinthe quiet precincts of the adjoining townof Somerville. Nearly fourteen thousandpatients have received the benefits of theformer department of the institution, andmore than thirty-threehundred have beeninmates of the latter. The gi-eatest dis-covery of the age—the power of produ-cing insensibility to pain—has gone forlhfrom the one; while the humane treat-ment, and the high professional skill, evinced in the other, have extended itsleputation throughout the length and thebreadth of the land, and gathered withinits walls sufferers alike from the frozennorth and the sunny south. One of itsearliest and most active advocates wasDr. John C. Warren. He was appoint-ed acting surgeon on its first