. Una guida alla terza e alla quarta stanza egiziana : antiquiti predinastici, uccelli e animali mummiati, statue di ritratti, figure di dèi, attrezzi e armi, scarabei, amuleti, gioielli, e altri oggetti legati ai riti funerari degli antichi Egiziani . s del funzionamento dei periodi a cui appartengono. [N.24,398.] 65-70.UN gruppo di ushabtiufigures inscritto per Tchanehebu, figlio di Nefert-ith, un super-intendente di theroyal chiatte [nn. 34,278, ecc.]. No. 71.Blue smaltato porce-lain placca rettangolare tileo, con arePresentation dello scriba reale Amen-em-apt adorando Osiris.
1599 x 1562 px | 27,1 x 26,4 cm | 10,7 x 10,4 inches | 150dpi
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Questa immagine potrebbe avere delle imperfezioni perché è storica o di reportage.
. A guide to the third and fourth Egyptian rooms : predynastic antiquites, mummied birds and animals, portrait statues, figures of gods, tools, implements and weapons, scarabs, amulets, jewellery, and other objects connected with the funeral rites of the ancient Egyptians . s of the workof the periods to whichthey belong. [No.24, 398.] Nos. 65-70.A group of ushabtiufigures inscribed forTchanehebu, son ofNefert-ith, a super-intendent of theroyal barges [Nos.34, 278, etc.]. No. 71.Blue glazed porce-lain rectangular tileor plaque, with arepresentation ofthe royal scribe Amen-em-apt adoring Osiris. XlXthdynasty [No. 6133]. No. 72. Portion of a white glazedvase with the name and titles of queen Nefer-ith inlaid inblue glaze [No. 23, 226]. No. y^. Large blue glazedporcelain bowl, ornamented with figures of a lake and lotusflowers in black outline. A very fine example [No. 4790].Nos. 74-78. A group of small green and blue glazedporcelain bowls, ornamented with designs of lotus flowersand fish in black outline [No. 22, 730, 22, 788, 29, 217, 29, 940, 32, 591]. Nos. 79-86. A group of blue glazed porcelainbowls, ornamented with designs of lotus flowers andrunning water [Nos. 13, 153, 22, 72, 7, 24, 678, 29, 216, 29, 939, 32, 590, 35, 415, 36, 409]. No. 87. Bowl ornamented with a S 2. Blue glazed porcelain Bowl. [No. 4790.] 260 FOURTH EGYPTIAN ROOM—WALL-CASES I 55, I 56. figure of a calf (Hathor) standing in a boat which ismoored among lotus flowers [No. 35, 120]. No. 88. Bowlornamented with figures of the head of Hathor and lotusflowers [No. 29, 359]. Nos. 89, 90. Two glazed porcelainsnakes which formed cases to hold mummied snakes [Nos.25, 359, 30, 453]. No. 91. Blue glazed porcelain vase in theform of a fish. Fine example [No. 24, 410]. No. 92.Portion of a lid of a box ornamented with figures of a gazelleand branches [No. 26, 387]. No. 93. Glazed steatitespoon (?) or bowl, in the form of a gazelle lying down[No. 26, 817]. No. 94. Porcelain vessel in the form of aflower [No. 24, 687]. No. 95. Model