. Una vista dall'alto del nostro governo federale. En. Drum è nato in Pennsylvania in 1«25. Servì come volun-teer nella guerra messicana e fu allevato primo tenente, per il braveryat Chapultepee. Dal 1861 al 1865 è stato assistente di ruolo di assistente tecnico presso San Francisco, C. al. È stato brinetato brigadiere generale nel 1865.per gli ultimi nove anni è stato collegato con il departmentat di guerra Washmgton e giugno 15,1880, è stato promosso al suo attuale ofiRce.] 61. Ufficio di giustizia militare. Questo è l'ufficio di legge del dipartimento di guerra. Qui il giudice-avvocato-generale riceve, revisiona e causa a b
1403 x 1780 px | 23,8 x 30,1 cm | 9,4 x 11,9 inches | 150dpi
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. A bird's eye view of our federal government . en. Drum was born in Pennsylvania in 1«25. He served as a volun-teer in the Mexican war and was brevetted first lieutenant, for braveryat Chapultepee. From 1861 to 1865 he served as assistant adjutant gen-eral at San Francisco, C al. Was brevetted brigadier general in 1865.For the past nine years he has been connected with the war departmentat Washmgton and June 15, 1880, was promoted to his present ofiRce.] 61. Bureau of Military Justice.This is the law office of the war department. Here thejudge-advocate-general receives, revises and causes to be r^ OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 47 corded, the proceediDgs in all courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions. Here, too, questions of law, sub-mitted by the secretary of war or the president of the UnitedStates with respect to military affairs, are considered andelaborate opinions given. 52. The Si§rnal Office. The duties of the signal oflSce of the war department in-clude all signal duty, military telegraphs, sea-coast service, . BRIGADIER-GENERAL A. ^ GREELY, Chief Sigxal Officeb. [Gen. Greely was born in Massachusetts in 1S44. He volunteered In1861, served through the ^var and became a lieutenant in the regularservice in 1867, He served in the signal corps, and iu 1S81 was givencommand of the Ladv Franklin JBayexpedition. Was rescued with sixcompanions in 1884, tlie rest of his command of twent>-five having per-ished through starvation. He was promoted to his present position in1885. and the taking and reporting of meteorological or weatherobservations. The service is divided into four branches—the 50. What are the duties of the inspector general and his assistants? 51. What is the bureau of military justice? 52. What is the signal office of the war department? Tell how it is organ-ized and give the duties of its several branches. Who is the chief signal officer ? 48 OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, school of instmction, the signal corps proper, military tele-graph