. Uova di uccelli del Nord America . [Buff] 3 10a. Merpiam Turchia. Meleagris (jallopam mcrriami. Range. - Stati Uniti sudoccidentali dal Colorado sud fino al Texas occidentale, al New Mexico e all'Arizona fino al Messico. Questa varietà è abbondante in tutta la sua gamma, le sue abitudini di nidificazione e di egsessere praticamente indistinguibili da quelli della forma orientale. Uova di uccelli del Nord America. 147 3 i OST. Florida, Turchia selvaggia. MD- cKjris ijdlllopfiri) itHceiild. Range. - Florida meridionale. Una piccola varietà del Turk-ey selvaggio circa 42 pollici lungo. Teyred nei ispetti aggrovigliati nelle porzioni superiori oi la metà meridionale di
1812 x 1379 px | 30,7 x 23,4 cm | 12,1 x 9,2 inches | 150dpi
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. North American birds eggs . [Buff] 3 10a. Merpiam Turkey. Meleagris (jallopam mcrriami. Range.—Southwestern United States from Colorado south through westernTexas, New Mexico and Arizona to Mexico. This variety is abundant throughout its range, its nesting habits and eggsbeing practically indistinguishable from those of the eastern form. North American Birds Eggs. 147 3 I Ob. Florida Wild Turkey. Md- ccKjris ijdllopfiri) itHceiild. Range.—Southern Florida. A small variety ot the Wild Turk-ey about 42 inches long. Theybreed in the tangled thickets in thehigher portions oi the southernhalf of Florida, laying from ten tosixteen eggs of a brighter anddeeper buff color than the northernvariety, and smaller; size 2.80x1.75.Their nests are generally lined withgrasses and occasionally with feath-ers. The female sits very closewhen incubating and willnot tlyuntil almost trod upon, trusting toher variegated markings to concealher from observation.. [Greeiiish huff. 3 I Oc. Rio Grande Turl<ey. MrlrafjriK gfiUripririi iiifci-mediii. Range. —Lowlands of the southern parts of Texas and northern Mexico. Asub-species which differs slightly in plumage and not at all in nesting habits oreggs from the common Wild Turkey. CURASSOWS AND GUANS. Family CRACID/E.311. Chachalaca. Ortalh vctula iiiarmlH. Range.-Eastern prjrtions of Mexico, north to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. A very peculiar grayish colored bird with a greenish gloss to the back, and a long, broad tail, quite long legs, and with the face and sides of the throat devoitl of feathers. They are very abundant birds in some localities, and very noisy during the breeding season, their notes resembling a harsh trumpeting repetition of their name. They are ground inhabiting birds but nest in low bushes. Their nests are made of sticks, twigs, leaves, or moss and are generally frail, fiat structures only a few feet aVjove the ground. During April, they lay from three to