. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book... . laghi. In inverno, quando questi sono improvvisamente congelati, questo Grebe è a volte catturato a terra, ghiaccio o neve, dove è caduto esaurito nei suoi tentativi di raggiungere unfrozenwater. E' un uccello dell'acqua aperta, evitando le acque poco profonde e umide frequentate dal grebe pied-billed. Holboells Grebe apparentemente migra sopra la maggior parte degli Stati Uniti e del Canada ed è sorprendente che il solittle sembra essere conosciuto delle sue abitudini e della storia di vita. Audubon afferma che si nutre di piccoli pesci frittura, anfibiousrettili,
2286 x 1093 px | 38,7 x 18,5 cm | 15,2 x 7,3 inches | 150dpi
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. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book... . lakes. In winter, when these are suddenly frozen, this Grebe is sometimes captured on the ground, ice or snow, where it has fallen exhausted in its attempts to reach unfrozenwater. It is a bird of the open water, avoiding such shallowand weedy waters as are frequented by the Pied-billed Grebe. Holboells Grebe apparently migrates over the greater partof the United States and Canada, and it is surprising that solittle seems to be known of its habits and life history. Audubon states that it feeds on small fish fry, amphibiousreptiles, insects and vegetables. Dr. Warren found sand, blades of grass, small roots and feathers in the stomachs oftwo birds of this species. Knight states that as far as can beascertained its food along the coast of Maine consists of smallfish and surface-swimming crustaceans. In inland regionstadpoles and fish are reported as a part of the bill of fare. BIRDS HUNTED FOR FOOD OR SPORT. 43 HORNED GREBE (Colymbus auriius).Local or common names: Hell-diver; Devil-diver.. Winter. Summer. Length. —- About 14 inches. Adult in Breeding Plumage. — Upper parts dark brow n or brownish black, the feathers paler on the edges; a brownish yellow stripe over eye, broadening, and deepening in color toward end of crest; throat andthat portion of crest on side of head below eye black; bill black, yellowtipped; feet dusky and yellowish; iris carmine, with fine white ringnext pupil; fore neck and flanks reddish brown; wings varied withwhite; lower parts silvery white. Adult in Winter, and Young. — Similar, but grayer, with sides of head, throat and fore part of neck white, this color nearly encircling nape, and lightly washed with ashy gray on front of neck and lower belly;feathering of head not so full and fluffy as in summer; bill dusky, butsomewhat whitish below. Field Marks. — In breeding plumage the crested head of black and brownishyellow is distinctive; pure white under parts, and white wing p