Meccanica analitica per studenti di fisica e ingegneria . per determinare la velocità del bersaglio, che è sospeso da un asse orizzontale, isgiven uno spostamento angolare quando esso riceve il progetto-piastrella. Considerando il bersaglio e la pallottola che è projectedinto come un sistema isolato si applicano i principi di theconservation di energia e della conservazione delle angularmomentum. Appena prima che il proiettile hitsthe target il momento angolare del sistema sull'asse è che a causadel la velocità del proiettile e equals / 7, dove / è il momento di inertiab del proiettile
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Analytical mechanics for students of physics and engineering . to determine the velocity of projectile-.The target, which is suspended from a horizontal axis, isgiven an angular displacement when it receives the projec-tile. Considering the target and the bullet which is projectedinto it as an isolated system we apply the principles of theconservation of energy and of the conservation of angularmomentum. Just before the bullet hitsthe target the angular momentum ofthe system about the axis is that dueto the velocity of the bullet and equals / 7, where / is the moment of inertiab of the bullet about the axis, v is its velocity, and b is its distance from the axis just before it hits the target, Fig. 123. The bullet is supposed to hit the target normally, when the latter is in the equilibrium position, and t o be imbed< led in it. The angular momentum just aft er the bullet hits the target is (/ +1) u, where / is the moment of inertia of the target and w its initial angular velocity. Then, by the conservation of the angular momentum, we have (1). l = (/+/) co. .-. V=bl~ b *- -~ / - If we suppose the energy lost during the impact to be negli-gible the kinetic energy of rotation just after the bullet hitsthe target equals the potential energy of the system at itsposition of maximum angular displacement. Therefore I (/ + /) co2 = (M + m > ga 11 - cos a), (2) where .1/ and m are the masses of the target and of the bullet, respectively, a is the distance of the center of mass of thesystem from the axis, and a is the maximum angular dis- 272 ANALYTICAL MECHANICS placement. Eliminating « between equations (1) and (2) weobtain v = A V2 ga (/ + /) (M + m) (1 - cos a). (3) The moment of inertia of the target may be determined by ob-serving the period of oscillation when it is used as a pendulum.It will be shown later* that if P denotes the period then P-W(i£fcr (4) Eliminating (/ -f- /) between equations (3) and (4) we get (5) Pabg (M + m) /!_ v Pa by (M+m) ? 0a id 2 Bu